What is a Credit Report?

creditreportCredit reports are used by prospective lenders to determine if an individual is eligible to receive credit.

Since a persons credit report is one of the first things a creditor will look at, as a borrower it is important to try to fix any errors and clean up your credit report as much as possible before applying for a loan.

Credit reports are a special document that contains information about a persons financial records. It will include information about child support, debt, credit lines, mortgages, and in some cases utilities. This information details how the person has been in regards to using credit and paying it back.

A Brief History of Credit Reporting

While there is a great deal of personal information in a credit report, there is a lot of things that can not be printed in a credit report. This is as a result of the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1971, which put an end to some very compromising data collection practices by credit reporting agencies.

For instance, prior to 1971, it was not uncommon for there to be information gleaned from actual surveillance in the credit report. They also often included information about race, religion, sexual preference, and criminal background. Credit reports where then used as an excuse to deny people credit, instead of determining if they were credit worthy.

A Fairer Credit Report

Today the credit report has had the discriminatory and compromising information that was previously found in credit reports removed. Instead, the credit report is limited to only providing information about the persons finances and current debt load.

When a person misses a payment to a lender, creditor, or certain utility companies, this would be noted on the credit report.

Only debt that is relatively recent is included as well. For example, for bankruptcies, only those in the last 10 years are included in a credit report. Other types of debt, such as debt that has been sent to a collection agency, is only included for 7 years on a credit report.

Understanding the Credit Reporting Agencies

Credit information is collected by three different credit reporting agencies, Transunion, EquiFax, and Experian, who store all this information and resell it as credit reports. Sometimes when applying for a mortgage, the credit report will be included in the cost of the application, but its cost should not exceed $20.

Getting Your Free Credit Report

As a consumer, each credit reporting agency is required to provide one free credit report a year. It is a good idea to not get all three at once, instead spreading them out over the length of the entire year. This way, the credit report can be reviewed and corrected, then another copy can be received, which should reflect the changes. In this manner, it may be possible to not have to pay to receive your own credit report.

It is also possible to pay and receive a credit report whenever needed. However, it should be noted that creditors do look at how often a credit report has been requested and if it has been requested too much, this can count against you.

Who Can See Your Credit Report?

Credit reports can be viewed by a number of people, including government agencies, employers, insurance companies, and lenders.

It is also possible for many other people, t, such as landlords, to view your credit report, as long as they can provide a real financial reason.

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